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Simple advice for listed buildings

For owners of listed buildings, we would suggest the following:

Regular Maintenance: Ensure routine upkeep to prevent issues and maintain the building's condition.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consult experienced and suitably qualified professionals for advice on repairs, alterations or extensions.

Listed Building Consent: Obtain necessary permissions before making any changes to the property.

Preserve Character: Protect the unique features and historical elements contributing to the building's special interest.

Energy Efficiency: Implement basic energy-saving measures like fixing guttering, repairing windows, and upgrading heating systems with proper planning advice. As members of the STBA, we can help you with a bespoke property assessment.

Listed Building Insurance: Consider specialist insurance to safeguard your property against unforeseen events and protect its historical value.

Preserving a Listed Building, Methods and Benefits: When appropriate methods and materials are employed, efficient maintenance and repair of a listed building can yield time and cost savings. A comprehensive grasp of traditional building techniques is essential for optimal preservation.

Regular maintenance is crucial as it reduces the necessity for drastic alterations and helps prevent long-term defects. In the context of listed buildings, repair is always preferred over restoration. A building's unique character often lies in its gentle contours, different textures, and irregularities in walls and rooflines.

Improper restoration can compromise these distinctive features, causing details like tool marks on stone, imperfections in crown glass, and the aged patina on surfaces to be lost. Unfortunately, many historic elements are inadvertently damaged during renovations due to a lack of understanding or sensitivity toward the building's heritage.

By prioritising appropriate maintenance practices and respecting the original characteristics of listed buildings, unnecessary destruction of historical features can be avoided, ensuring their longevity and authenticity.

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